Monday, November 07, 2005

Me? Knit?

Ok, so I'm not really a knitter (all I can do right now is make dishclothes) but I found the Knitters with Pugs Ring on
Jess's blog and I just had to sign up! At least I'm a fiber artist, and I want to learn to knit more, plus I have pugs... So perfect! Thank you for the link Jess!

This weekend I went to the air show over at Randolph AFB with my sister and brother-in-law. She had never been to one before, and didn't want to go, but her husband convinced her to. Now she wants to make it an annual thing! I'm so excited. I got to see the
Thunderbirds fly and they were amazing, as usual. The show could have been a bit longer though. I tried to get pictures, but they didn't turn out all that great. I think half of my pictures were just of the sky! They're on my computer at home, so I'll post them later. The weather was beautiful, if a little warm. I think I got too much sun though as I had a major headache later that night.

Nothing else exciting happened this weekend. I didn't even touch my crochet. I guess my wrists could have used the break anyway. And, I have nothing else to do at work today, so after I roam around Crochetville for a little while I will work on one of the afghans I need to do.

Hope your day is more exciting than mine!

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