Saturday, September 08, 2007

Weigh In Day #1

Well today was my first weigh in day after starting the Body for Life Program. I got up every morning at 5, did my required exercises (I'm proud of myself for that), ate 6 portion sized, healthy, balanaced meals daily, and drank 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. So now tell me, how could I have gained a pound, and 2% body fat? I could understand gaining weight if I had lost body fat, but to gain body fat? I haven't even eaten cheese this week! And you all know how I love my cheese. I just don't get it.


Anonymous said...

You have to give it time. The weight isn't going to fall off rapidly. I only have lost 2 pounds or sometimes less a week! And I workout 3 times a week hard. One of those days is hard*core working out with the trainer! :P
Plus, sometimes you gain weight when you first start working out, especially if you are drinking a lot of water. Don't fret! You have only been on this a week! :) That is why I decided not to worry about dieting too much. I am just being really smart about what goes in my mouth. :) Working out is the key anyway. I was reading an article in the paper the other day that stated: "Your diet counts for only 10% of your weight loss. The other 90%? Exercise." So, just give it time! I know you can do it! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there girlie...I just started on mine and I'm not going by any particular diet program, I'm just trying to reduce my fat intake and smaller calorie portions, drink more water (I drink 64 ounces of water a day minimum is my goal), cut out soda and added more fresh veggies and fruit to my diet. I also need to exercise more as I'm sitting on my tooshie 12+ hours a day thanks to my 2 jobs...I started doing ok, then life got busy again with my kiddo's sports and my 2 jobs, and now he's in cub scouts....busy busy, but I keep thinking I'll find a groove that works for me and I will get more weight loss. My main thing right now is the exercise part, trying to fit in that in my hectic schedule, and I'm also looking for a new job so until that happens I'll be kinda throwing in a workout here and there when I can. There is only 1 place to work out here in my small town, the nearest place to here is an hour away. That one place in my small town is a Curves, and I went there for about 5 months before and lost 24 pounds (without really watching much of what I ate) and dropped down 2 clothing sizes, BUT they have no sitter program and I have no sitter, so I had to stop as I couldn't go regularly and had no sitter to watch my son. I even put up a flyer asking for anyone who could switch off with me, I watch their kiddo while they exercise, they watch mine...but no go. It was very disappointing. That was 3 years ago. So, this time around I've just started with watching what I eat and at least walking. What kind of exercises do you do for that body for life thing? Do you HAVE to use their shakes or pills or whatever?

Anonymous said...

OH, and look at it this way...the weight didn't come ON that quickly, so it will take some time to come off, don't be discouraged!! I also believe that sometimes "set" rules for weight loss are more like guidelines, what helps one person lose weight well might not work quite as well as someone else's, so sometimes you have to make minor adjustments to make it work more for you, especially to help you stay motivated and stay on a program. Maybe if after doing a program for a few weeks and nothing changes or you keep GAINING, maybe talk to your doctor about it, keep some records of what you do and see if they can suggest any changes you might be able to do here and there to kick start that weight loss. Hang in there girlie!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Diana as well. For me exercise was the *key*. Not my eating. Just make smart choices about food (you likely know how to do that). Exercising like I said is more important to do than worrying what you're eating! :) No worries! We're all routing for you, and it sounds like you, me and Diana are all watching our weight, so we can all be in the boat together! haha!