Why, yes, yes she is! And it's probably not even worth reading since I really don't have much to say. :( Winter seems to have finally come to Texas and I'm so happy! I spent a week groundwater sampling up in New Jersey freezing my booty off and was actually a little disappointed that they told me to go home early! I was hoping to go to New York over the weekend, and it was supposed to snow! But, they couldn't get site access to the other site I was supposed to work on, so home I went. And while I was excited to see Kyle and the doggies again, I thought I was going to miss the cold. But, the cold followed me home! And we're supposed to get sleet and ice tonight. Ok, so it's not snow, but I think I can deal with it. In case you can't tell, winter is my favorite season...
Birthday is a week from today. Not so sure how I feel about it, seeing how I only have one year and one week til I hit 30. Ugh! When did I get so old? I still feel like a teenager, so I guess that's good....
Two weeks from today we will be in the car driving out and arriving in California! Woohoo! I hated living there, but I really enjoy visiting! Of course, this time it's going to be really hard seeing how there's a lot of family drama going on in Kyle's family and it turns out the Grandma is going to be in Arizona instead of California because that's what Kyle's aunt thinks is best for her. Doesn't matter that the rest of the family will be in California, and the only people that will be in Arizona are the aunt and a cousin. It really gets under my skin. Not to mention that Grandma doesn't even want to move to Arizona! So, now we have to figure out a way to visit with Grandma. It's going to be so hard to do too because we're taking our dogs with us for the trip, and we have no clue what we will do with them during that time. I have a sick feeling that Kyle might have to take a couple days and go out there alone. I really hope we can avoid that though.
Nothing really new on the crochet front. I have become seriously addicted to a computer game lately that has kept me away. I only have two weeks to get O.V.'s blanket done, though, so I better sit down and do it! I also have a couple of Christmas Wish List packages to send out, and I have to finish my project for the Christmas Exchange. Yikes! I almost forgot about that! That has to be sent out Saturday... I have recieved several yummy recipes from some Christmas Elves, as well as some glass beads. Can't wait to try beaded crochet! It's going to have to wait until after New Years though, with everything I still have left to do.
Alright, best get back to work... :(